
Reading Hall Of Arts. This large and comfortable hall is one of the richest book collections in our Republic. It consists of more than 50 000 literature units covering all art spheres, including claviers, music and gramophone records. Also rare books on painting, music and theatre are kept here.

Main Reading Hall. The interior of the main 56-seater reading hall had been restored in the style of ancient Oriental architecture. This reading hall is supplied with modern electronic equipments and due to the Library Automation System users are provided with services on the highest up-to-date level. Besides the reading hall there is the Loan Sector in the library.

Conference Hall. Attached to the Department of Bibliography of Books about President, State Administration and Country study there is a 100-seater Conference Hall. It is designed for various events: conferencing, book presentations, press conferences, literary meetings, different exhibitions, readers’ conferences, etc.

Rare Books Stock (Hall). This collection includes unique books of XVI-XIX and the beginning of XX centuries in Russian, English, French, Polish, Italian, Estonian, Swedish, and other languages. There are collections of old German books published in Gothic type, such as Large Collection of Opera in Representation of Royal Music Academy (1703, 1734, 1739, in French), The Famous Merchants of Russia Empire (Honorary copy presented to the active civil counsellor H.Z.Tagiyev, in 4 languages), To Tatars: From Derbent to Elizabethpol (author Baron de Baye in French), Carols of Mirza Shafi (compiler F.Bodenschted, 1865, Berlin, in German), Two Turkish comedies (M.F.Akhundov: Adventures of the vizier of the Lenkoran khan and Eastern lawyers (compiler Alphons Salyer, 1888, Paris, in French) and other unique books.