The projects - electronic document collections prepared in the Presidential Library and embracing various priority issues, are rich source of information for users.

Heydar Aliyev. Collection of electronic documents

“HEYDAR ALIYEV. Collection of electronic documents” is a comprehensive information system that aims at preparation and popularisation of the documents in digital files intended for general use.
Considering the reading public’s and researchers’ great interest in rich heritage of the National Leader, the electronic versions of Heydar Aliyev’s speeches, statements, addresses, conversations and interviews during his Presidency are collected under different headings and classified by year.
E-version of all volumes of Heydar Aliyev’s “Our Independence is Forever” multivolume set is included in this resource. “Heydar Aliyev-100” bibliographic electronic publication prepared by the Presidential Library staff is available to users as well.
Aliyev’s life and the scope of his works towards active development of the country in socio-economic and humanitarian spheres, as well as boosting the country’s international reputation as a head of state, also the full texts of speeches, statements, interviews and the electronic versions and bibliography of books and articles written about him.
Quotations from the thoughts of Heydar Aliyev and what prominent personalities said about the national leader are collected. Photoalbum provides images describing different moments of Heydar Aliyev’s life.

Ilham Aliyev. Electronic collection

The electronic edition “Ilham Aliyev. Electronic collection” of the Presidential Library of Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a web portal that collects and presents the chronology which contains a chronicle of President Ilham Aliyev’s life and the scope of his works towards active development of the country in socio-economic and humanitarian spheres, as well as boosting the country’s international reputation as a head of state, also the full texts of speeches, statements, interviews and the electronic versions and bibliography of books and articles written about him.

Mehriban Aliyeva

This full-text electronic publication comprises the materials on multilateral activity of the First Lady of Azerbaijan Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva as First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Member of Parliament, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO (2004-2022) and ISESCO in the socio-political and socio-cultural life of our country, in the field of charity, propaganda of Azerbaijani culture in foreign countries, preservation of our tangible and intangible heritage.
The E-publication covers the selected materials of AZERTAC, also publications of newspapers and magazines to which the Presidential Library subscribed and other mass media highlighting Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva’s activity since 1995, when she became the President the Foundation of Friends to the Azerbaijan Culture till today.
The electronic publication consists of seven main sections – “First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, “Foundation of Friends to the Azerbaijan Culture”, “Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation”, “First Lady of Azerbaijan”, “Heydar Aliyev Foundation”, “Goodwill Ambassador” and “Member of Parliament”.

Zarifa Aliyeva

This electronic resource comprises the life and activity of Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva, Honored scientist, doctor of medical sciences and academician, is available to the users.
The materials of the e-resource are compiled in 8 sections. The section “Biography” gives brief information about the life of Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva and his family members, also the significant moments of her scientific and public activities are widely covered in this section. The “Chronology” section of the electronic resource analyzes her life path as a scientist and her achievements in the field of ophthalmology. The section “Official documents” presents documents on the perpetuation of the memory of Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva. The “Perpetuation of his memory” section reflects the events in chronological order.
“E-Books” section contains electronic versions of books written about her and authored by her. “E-Articles” sections envisages electronic versions of articles by individual authors about the life and activity of Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva. “Bibliography” section comprises the bibliographic descriptions of books and articles written about her and authored by her. “Photogallery” section provides images describing different moments of her life.

The Land of Fire - Azerbaijan

“Azerbaijan – Land of Fire” is a full-text electronic collection covering materials on the history, economy, culture and prominent personalities of Azerbaijan from ancient times to the present day. Users of this resource are also provided with a wide range of information on both domestic and foreign policy of the state, its diplomacy, information on administrative-territorial units and many other documents of encyclopedic nature. 
The collection is based on materials from periodicals and books, as well as official websites. The electronic collection serves to expand the existing information base on Azerbaijan in the Internet space.

Tragedy of the 20th century – Khojaly genocide

Khojaly genocide committed against the Azerbaijani people by the Armenian armed forces with the support of the former Soviet 366th Motor Rifle Regiment on the night of February 25 to 26, 1992 is one of the most appalling and bloody tragedies of the 20th century.
Materials included in the e-publication entitled “Tragedy of the 20th century – Khojaly genocide” are grouped into nine parts. These parts introduce short history of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, scale of the Khojaly genocide, investigation documents, victim evidences, medical examination reports, the list of Khojaly victims and other materials.
The project also gives information about the great efforts exerted by the Azerbaijani government for introducing the Khojaly genocide to the world community, presents adopted resolutions, appeals to international organizations and the documents proving this tragedy to be genocide according to standards of international law.

Azerbaijan. State symbols and attributes

“Azerbaijan. State Symbols and Attributes” e-publication systemizes the history of origin of the independent Azerbaijan symbols (flag, emblem and anthem) and presents consequent steps made in the process of restoration of the national symbols. The e-publication gives chronological sequence of resolutions, laws, orders and decrees regarding state symbols and attributes since the Azerbaijan People’s Republic period (in Azerbaijani, English and Russian languages). 
Flags referring to the period of khanates in Azerbaijan, emblems of cities and provinces that existed in Azerbaijan during the tsarist Russia, as well as the state symbols and attributes of the Azerbaijan SSR during the Soviet period are collected in the electronic publication. 
Extensive propagation of the essence and significance of the state attributes directly contributes to inspire the citizens’ respect for the flag, the emblem and the anthem of Azerbaijan and to strengthen their patriotic spirit.

Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

Presidential Library’s internet resource entitled “Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic” is available to the users in Azerbaijani and English languages.
The high quality e-resource has been created to provide the internet users with comprehensive and operational information about the Autonomous Republic. The resource contains encyclopaedic materials about Nakhchivan including its ancient history, rich culture and centuries-old statehood traditions, also difficult, and at the same time glorious way of development. Information about prominent scholars, artists and historical personalities who were raised in Nakhchivan - one of the scientific-cultural centres of Azerbaijan is also included in the e-resource.

20 January. Aggressıon 1990

The electronic resource titled '20 January. Aggression 1990' that contains seven chapters, prepared by the Presidential Library, provides detailed information about the causes and scope of the January 20 tragedy. The resource also provides collection of documents about the bloody tragedy, official ceremonies and commemorative events held in memory of January 20. The texts and bibliographic descriptions of selected books and analytical articles related to January 20 tragedy, as well as photo and video archives are also available on the electronic resource. Presentation of the electronic edition in Azerbaijani, English and Russian languages is of great importance in terms of informing the world public about the aggression committed against our nation.

Ecology of Azerbaijan

A document-information resource titled “Ecology of Azerbaijan” prepared by the staff of the Presidential Library promotes ecological enlightenment among the population and develop ecological culture.
The resource comprises a number of materials analyzing the main directions of the environmental policy implemented in Azerbaijan and exploring the biodiversity conservation in the country. At the same time the resource contains the collection of official documents on ecology and environment adopted by Azerbaijan since its gained state independence, as well as all International Conventions the Republic of Azerbaijan joined.
This e-resource is presented in three languages – Azerbaijani, English and Russian.

Independent Azerbaijan

An e-resource titled “Independent Azerbaijan represents the history of statehood, the huge works done on protection and strengthening of the state independence and integration to the world community, democratic and legal statehood and the achievements succeeded throughout of these independent years as a result of the reforms implemented in social-economic field. The project includes the documents about restoration of national symbols and basics of the formation of statehood as well. The users are also offered the chronology of significant events happened before and after gaining the independence.
The chapter “E-resources” represents digital versions of the books and articles containing different areas of statehood. The chapter “Bibliography” offers the readers the bibliography of the books, newspapers and magazine articles, abstracts on various fields of the life of independent Azerbaijan. The chapter “Photo gallery” contains the pictorial review of various periods of Azerbaijan’s historical past.

Irevan city

The digital project entitled “Irevan city” sheds light to the history of Irevan from the ancient times till now. The composition of the aboriginal people, when and from where Armenians came to this territories, how the Azerbaijani inhabitants of the city were repeatedly exposed to the genocides on a mass scale, how the artefacts belonged to Azerbaijanis were destroyed by Armenian vandals, are the matters in question of the project. The above mentioned questions were investigated on the basis of reliable sources, information given by annalists, archival documents and from various research materials.
The project gives detailed information about the crafts, press, theater, scientific and cultural figures of Irevan, one of the ancient cultural centers of Azerbaijan. 

Azerbaijan Democratic Republic

A digital project is a valuable source of information for those who learn the historic heritage of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic existed for 23 months during the years 1918-1920 and entered into the history as the first secular, democratic State in the Islamic East. 
The digital resource consists of 8 main sections and 21 subsections. The resource gives a detailed account of significant historical events happened on the eve of establishment of the Democratic Republic, as well as in a period of its existence.
The project provides extensive information about the establishment, activities, symbols and attributes, also founders of the ADR and reflects E-books, E-articles, maps and photo archive. The “Documents” section envisages Declaration of Independence, the Law on the Establishment of the Parliament, the Resolution on the Collapse of the ADR and orders, decisions, speeches and appeals relating to the ADR. The bibliographic descriptions of articles, books and abstracts are collected in chronological order in the “Bibliography” section.

Armenian vandalism against the monuments of Azerbaijan

The aim of the digital project "Armenian vandalism against the monuments of Azerbaijan" prepared in Azerbaijani, Russian, and English languages, is to present to the international community via the internet photographs and materials documenting the destruction and appropriation by Armenians of most historical monuments – the tangible and cultural heritage of the Azerbaijani people, during the occupation of Azerbaijani territories by Armenians. 
The photographs and detailed descriptions featured in the digital project showcases the state of more than two hundred of the 800 monuments located within Azerbaijani territories during the occupation resulting from the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. 
These monuments are categorized by their significance on a world, national, and local level, including architectural and archaeological sites, historical-architectural reserves, and monumental and memorial monuments.

Armenian crimes: Genocide. Deportation. Terror

The electronic publication “Armenian crimes: Genocide. Deportation. Terror” presented to the internet users in the Azerbaijani and Russian languages, is compiled on the basis of archival documents, materials of periodicals and articles of certain researchers. The materials compiled in the electronic publication prove that, the real genocide was committed in the years 1905-1906, during the First World War and in 1918-1920 in the Eastern Anatolia and in the territory of Azerbaijan against the Turkic - Muslim population. 
The electronic publication consists of seven chapters. The resource contains full texts of books and articles in different languages, books and abstracts on the subject of the project, as well as a bibliography of articles selected from newspaper and journal articles. 

The book monuments of Turkic peoples

The staff of the Presidential Library prepared the digital library – “The book monuments of Turkic peoples”, based on the samples of the literary monuments which are included in the library stock, as a part of the cultural heritage of Turkic-speaking countries, and also on the basis of the electronic versions of Internet space. The main objective of this project - to submit for the Internet users of the disparate literary monuments of Turkic peoples into a single portal.

Azerbaijani multiculturalism

The website and e-library, which was prepared by the staff of the Presidential Library in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages completely embraces the very essence and all the aspects of the Azerbaijani multiculturalism. The users are given detailed information about the main point of the ideology of Azerbaijanism, which unites all the peoples living in Azerbaijan, about the ethnic and cultural diversity of the country, education of the national minorities, the traditions of tolerance and so on.
Electronic versions of the books about Azerbaijani multiculturalism are presented in the section “E-Library”. You can get acquainted with the full text of the articles on multiculturalism and regularly updated information bulletins in the section 'E-Resources'. The users can also obtain visual information by means of the photo and video gallery showing the traditions and folklore of the national minorities and smaller peoples in the section “Multimedia”.

Aziz Aliyev

This electronic resource comprises the life and activity of Aziz Mammadkarim oglu Aliyev, an outstanding statesman and scientist who holds a special place in the history of the Azerbaijani statehood and science. The materials of the e-resource are compiled in 9 sections in Azerbaijani and Russian languages. The section "Biography" gives brief information about the life of Aziz Aliyev and his family members. The significant moments of Aziz Aliyev’s life and work as a statesman and scientist both in Azerbaijan and in Dagestan for the first time are widely covered in the "Chronology" section. The section “Works” for the first time presents the electronic format of Aziz Aliyev’s works in the medical field.
"E-Books" and "E-Articles" sections contain electronic versions of the research works of individual authors and articles about the life and work of Aziz Aliyev. "Multimedia" section provides photo and video gallery.

Azerbaijan and the Islamic World

The main goal of this electronic resource is to strengthen the bond of unity and solidarity among the Muslim people, as well as to demonstrate that the Islam is the religion of peace and culture. The electronic resource which is currently in Azerbaijani language is composed of 12 basic sections. First of all the resource gives brief information about Azerbaijan. “Islam” section highlights the very essence of Islam, offers detailed consideration of the “Qurani-Karim”, and also deals with the main point of the Islamic solidarity and the factors that make it necessary. The resource also provides detailed information about the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (ICESCO), Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO) and Islamic Solidarity Games (Islamiada) as well. The E-Resources section contains the electronic versions of the books about Islam in Azerbaijani and Russian languages, also electronic texts of the articles in Azerbaijani, English and Russian languages.

Azerbaijan-UNESCO Relations

The electronic project "Azerbaijan-UNESCO Relations" compiled by the staff of the Presidential Library, consists of 7 sections. This project, presented to internet users, is available in two versions – in Azerbaijani and English languages.  
Users can obtain detailed information about UNESCO and Azerbaijan-UNESCO relations. The "Official Documents" section contains full texts of laws, decrees and orders signed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Through the project, an electronic library that includes e-versions of books related to this topic is also presented to users. The "Bibliography" section includes bibliographic descriptions of books and articles covering the subject of the electronic resource.

Mir Jalal

The new electronic publication entitled “Mir Jalal” dealing with life and literary activities of the outstanding writer, literary man and scholar of Azerbaijan Mir Jalal Pashayev was prepared in the Presidential Library of Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The electronic publication reflects not only the important moments of Mir Jalal Pashayev’s life and activity, but also the electronic versions and bibliography of his scientific and literary heritage, translations, books and articles written about him.
The electronic publication is regularly updated.


This resource is compiled on the basis of materials included in the stock of Presidential Library about history, economy, culture and art of the city of Baku in Azerbaijani, English and Russian languages. The resource consists of 10 chapters and 40 sections. Full texts of documents covering various periods of the history of Baku have also been added to the resource. Taking into consideration the users’ interest, photo and video gallery sections have been created in the resource as well.
Users can also benefit from the full texts of a large number of books, different newspaper and magazine articles on the resource.
All sections of the electronic resource are updated on a regular basis.

Diplomacy of Azerbaijan

The staff of Presidential Library have prepared and presented the electronic resource “Diplomacy of Azerbaijan” to internet users in order to highlight and popularize the arduous historical path the Azerbaijani diplomacy got through. This resource is of great importance in studying and popularizing Azerbaijani statehood traditions, its specific glorious chapters, national symbols and attributes, also the history of diplomacy - the particular page of Azerbaijani statehood history.
The E-Resource dealing with the history of diplomacy of Azerbaijan consists of the “General Information” and “History of Diplomacy” chapters which include the historical path the Azerbaijani diplomacy got through from the ancient times to the present day. It keeps track of the materials and documents assigned to the historical period of ADR, the Soviet period, the period of independence and Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
The chapter entitled “Conventions” of the E-resource contains the full texts of conventions and agreements which the Republic of Azerbaijan has joined. The E-Resources section comprise the electronic versions of books in the Azerbaijani and Russian languages and full texts of selected newspaper and journal articles.
The last chapter of the E-Resource entitled “Bibliography” includes the bibliographies of books, articles and abstracts on foreign policy, international relations and diplomacy contained in the stock of Presidential Library.

Azerbaijani Diaspora

The electronic project “Azerbaijani Diaspora” prepared by the staff of the Presidential Library was presented to the users.
The project analyzes the factors contributing to the Azerbaijani Diaspora, as well as its current construction.
The resource contains electronic versions of books and articles on the Azerbaijani Diaspora. The Bibliography section contains bibliographic descriptions of books, abstracts and articles in the Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages.

Nariman Narimanov

The E-project titled 'Nariman Narimanov' prepared on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of prominent writer, statesman and public figure of Azerbaijan Nariman Narimanov has been launched in Presidential Library.
This E-project prepared by the library employees in Azerbaijani and Russian languages was created within the framework of the action plan set up in accordance with the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 14, 2020, on celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of outstanding writer and statesman Nariman Narimanov.
The electronic resource, consisting of seven sections, contains the electronic versions of materials and documents in different languages about Nariman Narimanov's activities as a teacher, doctor, writer, playwright, publicist, educator and statesman.
The E-project 'Nariman Narimanov', developed for the use of researchers and the reading public is regularly updated.

Socio-economic development of the regions of Azerbaijan

The full-text electronic collection 'Socio-economic development of the regions of Azerbaijan' compiled by the Presidential Library contains the full texts of all materials about four State Programs, which review the socio-economic development of the regions, further improvement of living standards, increasing the level of employment and sustainable development of the country's economy. The collection presented in four chapters - Official Documents, State Events, Visits to the Regions and Bibliography is regularly updated on the basis of periodical press.

Nizami Ganjavi. Digital Library

By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev 2021 was declared the Year of Nizami Ganjavi. In this regard, the staff of the Presidential Library compiled a new digital resource - "Nizami Ganjavi. A Digital Library" which comprises books, journal articles, and newspaper publications in Azerbaijani and foreign languages about the life and works of the outstanding poet and thinker Nizami Ganjavi. The digital library contains electronic versions of Nizami Ganjavi's "Khamsa" published in various years. The "Bibliography" section of the project features Nizami Ganjavi's works, books, periodical materials, collections, and abstracts written about him.


The E-Project "Shusha" compiled by the staff of the Presidential Library is dedicated to the Victory Day – the day of liberation of Shusha, the ancient cultural center of Azerbaijan from the occupation of the Armenian army. The project is available in Azerbaijani, English and Russian languages and consists of 6 chapters and 22 subsections. The first chapter, titled "History", reflects the most important moments in the history of Shusha from its foundation to the present day. The chapter of the project "Social and cultural life" provides detailed information about the dynamics, national composition and cultural life of the urban population before the occupation of the city in 1992. The chapter "Prominent figures" contains biographical information about the outstanding personalities of Shusha in the field of science, education, culture, art, music, literature and military of Azerbaijan. The "Documents" chapter contains the texts of important documents about Shusha adopted since the Russian occupation to this day. The chapters "E-resources" and "Bibliography" comprise both electronic versions and bibliographic descriptions of articles and books included in the library's fund in chronological order. The project is constantly updated.

Azerbaijan-Turkey relations

The electronic resource "Azerbaijan-Turkey relations" consisting of 5 chapters and 13 subsections, compiled by the staff of the Presidential Library, reflects the real picture of relations between the two brotherly countries. The relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkey, which was the first to recognize the state independence of Azerbaijan and establish diplomatic relations after regaining its independence in 1991, were analyzed and a "Chronology" reflecting the dynamic development of these relations was compiled. The "Documents" section of the electronic resource provides users with the E-versions of documents signed between Azerbaijan and Turkey on foreign policy. The "E-resources" section contains the electronic versions of selected books and articles included in the library stock. The "Bibliography" section comprises the bibliographic indexes of books, articles and abstracts covering the subject of the electronic resource. The "Photo Gallery" section contains a photo chronicle of the historical path of the two brotherly countries over the past 30 years.

Azerbaijan-Iran: diplomatic relations

The electronic resource "Azerbaijan-Iran: diplomatic relations" of the Presidential Library is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two neighboring and brotherly countries. Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Islamic Republic of Iran were established on March 12, 1992. The electronic resource consists of 5 chapters and 13 subsections. The "Historical Reference" section of the resource analyzes the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan and contains a "Chronology" reflecting the dynamic development of these relations. The "Documents" section of the electronic resource provides users with the full texts of the documents signed between Azerbaijan and Iran on foreign policy - declarations, agreements, treaties, memoranda, protocols and orders. The "E-resources" section contains electronic versions of books and articles on Azerbaijani - Iranian relations in different languages. The resource also provides a bibliography of books, newspaper and magazine articles, abstracts on this topic that are included in the library’s collection.

Azerbaijan-Russia diplomatic relations

The electronic resource of the Presidential Library "Azerbaijan-Russia: diplomatic relations" is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two neighbouring and allied countries. Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation were established on April 4, 1992. The electronic resource consists of 5 chapters and 13 subsections. The "Historical Reference" section of the resource analyses the relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan and contains a "Chronology" reflecting the dynamic development of these relations. The "Documents" section of the electronic resource provides users with the full texts of the documents signed between Azerbaijan and and Russia on foreign policy - declarations, agreements, treaties, memoranda, protocols, and orders. The resource also provides a bibliography of books, newspaper and magazine articles, abstracts on this topic that are included in the library’s collection.

The Contract of the Century

The full-text digital project, presented to users in September 2004, covers all aspects of Azerbaijan's oil strategy. The digital project consists of seven sections and four subsections.
The "Azerbaijan's Oil Strategy" section contains speeches, addresses, and statements of the national leader Heydar Aliyev from 1994, the year the first oil contract – the "Contract of the Century" – was signed, to 2002. The "Official Documents" section includes laws, decrees, orders signed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan regarding the "Contract of the Century," as well as decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers. The sections "Oil and Gas Pipelines," "State Oil Fund," and "International Exhibitions and Conferences" provide information about the transportation of Azerbaijan's oil and gas to global markets, international events related to the oil and gas industry, and relevant legislative documents. The project's "E-Resources" section comprises electronic versions of books and articles. The "Bibliography" section offers a collection of books and articles related to the themes of the digital project. 

Municipal Authority

Since the establishment of local self-government bodies (municipalities) in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 1999, all legislative documents – including the section on municipalities in the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as laws, decrees, and orders, information about municipal elections – have been included in this collection of electronic documents. The electronic project consists of nine sections and five subsections.
Electronic versions of books and articles of the project are compiled in the "E-resources" section. The "Bibliography" chapter presents books, articles, and author abstracts related to the topic of the digital project.

Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict

This full text e-resource provides comprehensive information on the occupied territories of Azerbaijan as a result of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict, Azerbaijan’s efforts in finding a peaceful solution for liberation of its native lands, the peacemaking activity of international organization on this conflict, as well as the activity of the State Commission on Prisoners of War (POW), Hostages and Missing citizens.

State Service

The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On State Service” which is of great importance for Azerbaijan statehood, amendments and additions made to the above mentioned law, the orders and decrees of the President of Azerbaijan related to this law, full texts of the resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers are reflected in this e-resource collection. The e-resource on State Service was submitted to users in February, 2006.

Victory Day

The electronic project "Victory Day" compiled by the staff of the Presidential Library is dedicated to the liberation of Azerbaijani lands from the occupation of the Armenian army – the Victory Day. The project prepared in Azerbaijani, English and Russian languages, consists of 9 sections and 8 subsections.                
The first section titled "Historical Reference" contains the most important points about the history of the occupation of Karabakh by Armenia. Every event of the Patriotic War is listed in chronological order in the section of the project titled "Chronicle of the 44-Day Victory". The following sections comprise the list of the martyrs of the Patriotic War, also of those who died and were injured as a result of the bombing of the civilian population during that period, our villages and cities that were liberated on each successive day, and the list of military awards after the war. At the same time, the texts of the Victorious Commander-in-Chief, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev's appeals to the people of Azerbaijan, speeches and interviews granted to foreign media are included in a separate chapter.     
The "E-resources" and "Bibliography" chapters present both electronic versions and bibliographic descriptions of the articles and books included in the library's collection in chronological order. The project is constantly updated.

Azerbaijan-Georgia relations

The electronic resource “Azerbaijan-Georgia Relations” developed by the Presidential Library is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two neighbouring and friendly countries. Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Georgia were established on November 18, 1992. The electronic resource consists of 5 sections and 14 subsections. The “Chronology” chapter of the electronic resource analyses the diplomatic, economic and cultural relations of the two neighbouring and friendly states and reflects the dynamic development of these relations. The “Documents” chapter presents electronic versions of documents signed between Azerbaijan and Georgia related to foreign policy - declarations, agreements, memorandums, protocols, treaties and orders. The “E-resources” chapter contains electronic versions of selected books and articles included in the library’s collection. The “Bibliography” chapter presents books, articles and abstracts concerning the topic of the electronic resource. The "Photo Gallery" section features a photo chronicle of the historical path of the two friendly countries over the past 30 years.



The electronic information resource "Zangazur" compiled by the staff of the Presidential Library in Azerbaijani, English and Russian languages is presented to internet users.
This resource, which contains rich historical materials, is intended for educational purposes and aimed at providing internet users with detailed and accurate information about Eastern and Western Zangazur.
The resource reviews the fact that these historical territories of Azerbaijan belong to the Azerbaijani people from the ancient and Middle Ages until now by historical chronology. The fact that the ethnic composition, historical-architectural monuments, toponyms, and hydronyms of these territories belong to Azerbaijani people has been proved by historical evidence. The information is presented to the users on the basis of facts and sources that show that the Azerbaijani population in Zangazur was repeatedly subjected to mass massacres and deportations, and how examples of material culture belonging to the Azerbaijanis were wiped off the face of the earth by Armenian vandals.
In the autumn of 2020, as a result of the 44-day Second Karabakh War, Eastern Zangazur was liberated from occupation under the leadership of the Victorious Commander-in-Chief, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, and the materials related to the restoration and construction works carried out in these areas are also included in the resource.
In the "E-resources" and "Bibliography" sections, both electronic versions and bibliographic descriptions of the articles and books covering the subject of the electronic resource included in the library's fund are listed in chronological order.

Western Azerbaijan. Electronic Library

Since the early 19th century, as a result of the gradual mass resettlement of Armenians in the historical regions of Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani people were repeatedly displaced from their homeland. At the end of the 20th century, a mono-ethnic Armenian state was established in the territory of present-day Armenia, where Azerbaijanis formerly constituted an absolute majority. The Azerbaijani people were subjected to mass killings, genocides, repressions and deportations in Western Azerbaijan in 1905-1906, 1918-1920, the 1930s, 1948-1953 and 1987-1991. 
To this end, the library has developed the project "Western Azerbaijan. Electronic Library," reflecting the history of Western Azerbaijan.
The project provides insights into information about cultural artifacts destroyed by Armenian vandals, details about toponyms subjected to genocide, archival documents, the Concept of Return to Western Azerbaijan, maps, information about personalities, a photo chronicle, photo documents, and filmography. The digital library contains e-books and e-articles related to Western Azerbaijan and bibliographic descriptions of books, articles, and abstracts are provided in the bibliography section. 


On July 31, 2023, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed an Order “On the establishment of city days in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan” in the territories liberated from occupation which aims to immortalize our historic victory achieved in the 44-day Patriotic War. Under the document, August 26 – Lachin City Day is solemnly celebrated every year.
The digital project “Lachin” prepared by the Presidential Library is a digital collection of selected materials on the history of Lachin district, which is part of the East Zangazur economic region, historical, cultural and religious monuments destroyed during the 30-year Armenian occupation, large-scale restoration and construction works that took place after the de-occupation and the Great Return.


The 44-day war for the liberation of our lands from Armenian occupation ended with our victory in autumn 2020. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated July 31, 2023 “On the establishment of city days in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, the 4th of October is solemnly celebrated as Jabrayil City Day every year. The order aims to perpetuate the historic victory achieved in the Patriotic War. Thanks to the care and attention of President Ilham Aliyev, the city of Jabrayil and Jabrayil district, destroyed by Armenian vandals, are being restored and Jabrayil residents are returning to their native land.
The digital project “Jabrayil” prepared by the Presidential Library is a digital collection of selected materials on the history of Jabrayil district, which is a part of the East Zangazur Economic Region, photos of our historical, cultural and religious monuments destroyed during the 30-year Armenian occupation, selected materials about large-scale restoration and construction works carried out after the de-occupation and the Great Return.


The 44-day war for the liberation of Azerbaijani lands from Armenian occupation ended with our victory in autumn 2020. The occupied part of Fuzuli district was liberated at the cost of courage of our soldiers, officers and blood of martyrs and gazis. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated July 31, 2023 “On the establishment of city days in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, the 17th of October is solemnly celebrated as Fuzuli City Day every year. The order aims to perpetuate the historic victory achieved in the Patriotic War. Thanks to the care and attention of President Ilham Aliyev, the city of Fuzuli and Fuzuli district, destroyed by Armenian vandals, are being restored and Fuzuli residents are returning to their native land.
The digital project “Fuzuli” prepared by the Presidential Library is a digital collection of selected materials on the history of Fuzuli district, which is part of the East Zangazur Economic Region, our historical, cultural and religious monuments destroyed during the 30-year Armenian occupation, large-scale restoration and construction works that took place after the de-occupation and the Great Return.


The 44-day war for the liberation of Azerbaijani lands from Armenian occupation ended with our victory in autumn 2020. The occupied territory of Zangilan district was liberated at the cost of courage of our soldiers, officers and blood of martyrs and gazis. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated July 31, 2023 “On the establishment of city days in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, the 20th of October is solemnly celebrated as Zangilan City Day every year. The order aims to perpetuate the historic victory achieved in the Patriotic War. Thanks to the care and attention of President Ilham Aliyev, the city of Zangilan and Zangilan district, destroyed by Armenian vandals, are being restored and Zangilan residents are returning to their native land.
The digital project “Zangilan” prepared by the Presidential Library is a digital collection of selected materials on the history of Zangilan district, which is part of the East Zangazur Economic Region, our historical, cultural and religious monuments destroyed during the 28-year Armenian occupation, large-scale restoration and construction works that took place after the de-occupation and the Great Return.


The 44-day war for the liberation of our lands from Armenian occupation ended with our victory in autumn 2020. The occupied territory of Fuzuli district was liberated at the at the cost of courage of our soldiers, officers and blood of martyrs and gazis. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated July 31, 2023 “On the establishment of city days in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, the 25th of October is solemnly celebrated as Gubadli City Day every year. The order aims to perpetuate the historic victory achieved in the Patriotic War. Thanks to the care and attention of President Ilham Aliyev, the city of Gubadli and Gubadli district, destroyed by Armenian vandals, are being restored and Gubadli residents are returning to their native land.
The digital project “Gubadli” prepared by the Presidential Library is a digital collection of selected materials on the history of Gubadli district, which is part of the East Zangazur economic region, our historical, cultural and religious monuments destroyed during the 28-year Armenian occupation, large-scale restoration and construction works that took place after the de-occupation and the Great Return.


On July 31, 2023, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed an Order “On the establishment of city days in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan” in the territories liberated from occupation which aims to immortalize our historic victory achieved in the 44-day Patriotic War. Under the document, November 20 – Aghdam City Day is solemnly celebrated every year.
Thanks to the close attention and care of President Ilham Aliyev, the settlements of Aghdam city and Aghdam district are being rebuilt in accordance with modern requirements. The city of Aghdam, called the Hiroshima of Caucasus, is being reborn from the ashes today and is returning to its heyday.
The digital project “Aghdam” prepared by the Presidential Library is a digital collection of selected materials on the history of Aghdam district, which is part of the Karabakh economic region, our historical, cultural and religious monuments destroyed during the 28-year Armenian occupation, large-scale restoration and construction works that took place after the de-occupation and the Great Return.


On July 31, 2023, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed an Order “On the establishment of city days in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan” in the territories liberated from occupation which aims to immortalize our historic victory achieved in the 44-day Patriotic War. Under the document, November 25 – Kalbajar City Day is solemnly celebrated every year.
Thanks to the close attention and care of President Ilham Aliyev, the settlements of Kalbajar city and Kalbajar district are being rebuilt in accordance with modern requirements. 
The digital project “Kalbajar” prepared by the Presidential Library is a digital collection of selected materials on the history of Kalbajar district, which is part of the East Zangazur economic region, our historical, cultural and religious monuments destroyed during the 28-year Armenian occupation, large-scale restoration and construction works that took place after the de-occupation and the Great Return.

Mahammad Fuzuli. Digital Library

In connection with the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev "On the celebration of the 530th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet Mahammad Fuzuli", the staff of the Presidential Library has developed a digital resource titled "Mahammad Fuzuli: A Digital Library". The information resource is comprised five sections dedicated to the life and works of the prominent poet and thinker. The project includes information about Mahammad Fuzuli’s life and work, along with electronic versions of books and articles in various languages on his contributions as a poet, philosopher, and prominent representative of the divan genre. The "Bibliography" section of the project contains the works of Mahammad Fuzuli, books and periodicals dedicated to him, collections, and abstracts.

COP29 Azerbaijan

At the plenary session of COP28 held in Dubai on December 11, 2023, a decision was made to hold the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) in Baku, Azerbaijan, from November 11-22, 2024. The decision to hold COP29 in Baku is a testament to the great confidence placed in Azerbaijan by the international community and an acknowledgment of our country's contributions to environmental protection and climate change mitigation at national, regional, and global levels. By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, the year 2024 has also been declared "Green World Solidarity Year" in our country. 
The Presidential Library has compiled an electronic project in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages titled "COP29 Azerbaijan" in this connection. The first section of the project, consisting of six sections called "COP", provides information about the history of COP and the conferences held to date. The "COP29" section contains information about Azerbaijan's preparation for this high profile international event, the Organising Committee and the |COP29 Presidency established by the Decree of President Ilham Aliyev. The "Official Documents" and "Chronicle" sections comprise the full texts of decrees and orders signed by the President regarding this conference, as well as information from AZERTAC and other news agencies. The "E-resources" section includes the full texts of books and selected articles from periodicals in various languages on the project topic, available in the Presidential Library collection. Bibliographic descriptions of articles published in different languages in periodicals related to "COP29 Azerbaijan" are compiled in the "Bibliography" section.
The sections of the E-Project are updated regularly.